How to Add a Line Break within an Excel Cell

I finally figured out how to add line breaks or go to the next line within an Excel cell.

*drum roll*


I thought SHIFT + ENTER would be it since it’s used a lot in Microsoft Word, but apparently it isn’t. So for all you people who have been trying to figure out how to add line breaks within Excel cells, look no further!

Bing Maps & Other Maps Providers

Bing just announced a new routing engine for Bing Maps. Bing Maps is actually really cool, it’s something I haven’t used so much since I’m so used to using Google Maps but I think I might try using it more in the future.

Funny, back in the early-2000’s, it was either MapQuest or Yahoo Maps and Google was still making a name for itself, now it seems to be a huge “go-to” when it comes to mapping. It helps when Apple’s iPhone uses Google Maps by default in their Apps. This may change with the iPhone 5 with rumors saying that Apple may come up with their backend solution since they’ve bought a few map companies, we’ll see I guess. It’ll be nice to see Apple back-off on their Google support.

GPS and Mapping have come a long way since the early/mid-2000’s. In 2004/2005, I actually bought a USB-powered GPS that I hooked into my laptop and used Microsoft Streets with the GPS. That was so cool to have live GPS navigation but it was kind of clunky to have a laptop and a GPS helping you navigate even when your friend is holding the laptop. Then Garmin/Magellan/TomTom all came out with their GPS handhelds a year later which basically made my computer USB-powered GPS obsolete (It was a good run though!)

I was looking at the different Map Platforms that the “Big 4” (Bing, Google, Yahoo, MapQuest) and they’re all so similar. I personally like Bing’s the most, though I’m biased since I’m a Bing fanboy (Granted, I don’t use their Maps Platform much, but I do use their search engine by default on my home computer and iPhone). It’s the most simplistic, it kind of goes along with the Bing theme and it’s just aesthetically pleasing. I think I like Yahoo’s the second most with its style and layout. MapQuest comes in at #3, though I’ve never been a big fan of them, I used Yahoo Maps over MapQuest back when it was basically those two Maps Platforms in the early-2000’s. Finally, comes Google at #4. It’s interesting that the Maps Platform I used the most has the style/layout that I like the least. I guess that’s Brand Equity for you.

Bing Maps